Page 20 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
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How we approach
         Our Commitments           Ou r  S t r a t e gy      Our Portfolio                                                                
                                   ESG and impact

        Our firmwide climate beliefs and strategy

        We believe climate change poses        Our climate commitments and objectives at GP and portfolio company level are as follows:
        a systemic and existential risk to
        our planet and will have wide
        ranging impacts on all                     Outward         Our impact on the climate                    Inward         The climate’s impact on us
        economies and societies.                                                                                               and our portfolio

                                               To minimize our and our portfolio companies’                To ensure we and our portfolio companies
                                               contribution to climate change.                             are resilient and adequately prepared for the
                                                                                                           wide ranging impacts of climate change. 

                                               For us as a GP this includes   In particular, our efforts will focus   This includes assessing both   practice in the understanding,
                                               excluding companies highly   on emissions measurement       physical and transition risks   assessing and reporting against
                                               exposed to climate risks from   and reduction and encouraging   and opportunities, in line with   climate.
                                               our investable opportunity set,   a shift to renewable electricity   recommendations of the Task
                                               and undertaking stewardship   where viable and/or possible.  Force on Climate Related
                                               efforts to instigate and advance                            Financial Disclosure (“TCFD”)
                                               climate strategy at the portfolio                           which we recognize as best

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