Page 19 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
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How we approach
ESG and impact
Our Commitments Ou r S t r a t e gy Our Portfolio
Theory of change behind our impact objectives
SDG 5 gender equality lens’ investment approach). Therefore all SDG 8 decent work companies should be positioned to capitalize
(A gender lens investing approach): companies in whom Admaius invest are and economic growth on this, to benefit from economic and
required to make progress towards SDG (A private sector commercial opportunities from an available
5. Success parameters include having a and skilled workforce. In particular the fintech
Our impact objective is to empower strategy to hire and promote more women, development focus): revolution in Africa has unlocked progress
women with new technologies and equal increasing female employment and horizontally across multiple sectors of the
opportunities for economic participation and leadership positions, as well as innovating to Our impact objective is to encourage private economy with reliable financing and mobile
leadership. provide products that better meet women’s sector growth and development through banking infrastructure being a core requisite
A core element of our impact thesis is to consumption patterns and needs. As part entrepreneurship and digital innovation. for all businesses. This “multiplier” effect
empower women in our African markets of this we have been exploring the newly Across Africa we anticipate an increasingly means there are growing opportunities for
of operation with new technologies and updated 2X gender criteria with a view to skilled, young and urbanized workforce who trade and entrepreneurship across the region
equal opportunities for participation and understanding how we can align to SDG 5 want to find opportunities to contribute to for individuals and SMEs who are positioned
leadership. This vector forms one of two core via our portfolio. At Admaius we are proud their local economies. Smart leaders and to grow and act.
impact objectives for Admaius (our ‘gender to have a gender ratio approaching parity at
45% (as at May 2024).
60%+ 1 billion
According to the Economic According to the World Bank, Africa’s
Commission for Africa, women now working-age population (25-64 years)
account for around 60%+ of informal is expected to be 1.1 billion by 2030,
cross-border trade in Africa. making it the largest workforce globally.
18 Admaius Capital Partners ESG & Impact Report 2023