Page 24 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
P. 24

How we approach
                                   ESG and impact
         Our Commitments           Ou r  S t r a t e gy      Our Portfolio                                                                

        Climate change

        Over 2023 we made the following progress on
        our climate strategy:                                                             Physical risks           Transition risks        Transition opportunities
                                                                                          (mainly relevant         (mainly relevant        (mainly relevant
                                                                                          under a 40 scenario)     under a 20 scenario)    under a 20 scenario)
        TCFD disclosure:
        Last year we drafted the Firm’s first ever TCFD disclosure, which                 Little to no physical    Risks arise via the     Funding / supporting
                                                                                          risks identified
                                                                                                                   portfolio varying 
                                                                                                                                           portfolio businesses in
        we will continue to refine and expand over time. This disclosure                                           materially via sector   developing climate
        concluded that for both Admaius and our initial two investments,                                                                   resilience
        transition opportunities outweighed transition risks, with early
        mover advantages identified for companies in developing climate
        resilience and disclosing against the TCFD ahead of regional peers.               Physical risks mainly via   Short-term costs of    Innovative climate
        See summary analysis on the right.                                                data centre exposures    meeting best practice,   solutions (e.g. carbon
                                                                                                                   emissions measurement   accounting, loans to
        Emissions measurement 1st steps:                                                                                                   support adaptation,
        At the Firm level, we are in the process of calculating our scope 1                                                                household solar)
        and 2 operational footprint in order to have a baseline emissions
        estimate. We will then look to extend this to the portfolio.                      Physical risk exposures   Cost of compliance with   Opportunity to develop

        Interaction with our impact thesis:                                               through fixed assets     higher environmental    a more circular business
                                                                                          and supply chain
                                                                                                                                           model in North Africa 
                                                                                                                   standards especially if
        While Africa is expected to be disproportionately affected by                     vulnerabilities          exporting               including learning from
        climate change, the unprecedented scale of change also presents                                                                    EU peers
        opportunities, including green job creation, greater energy
        efficiency, reduced energy costs, climate product innovation
        and the potential for stronger social inclusion. Given our impact
        objectives, a “just climate transition” is particularly important for                                       Despite the likely costs in reducing and managing
        successful execution of our strategy, and we are interested in                                              transition risks, (e.g., emissions measurement,
        deepening our understanding of the intersection between the                                                 switching to renewables), there are potential rewards
        required transition and SDGs 5 (gender equality) and 8 (decent                                              for innovation and greater transparency, (e.g. through
        work and economic growth).                                   Sectors which are asset light with dynamic, mobile   winning market share, reduced costs from adopting a
                                                                     workforces face lower direct physical risks (e.g. Fintech)   circular business model).
                                                                     vs. sectors with complex supply chain dependencies,   For all three entities , transition opportunities outweigh
                                                                     manufacturing processes or fixed asset ownership,   transition risks. This indicates there are still early mover
                                                                     especially in a 4 degree scenario (e.g. FMCG).   advantages for African companies in activating their
                                                                                                                    climate strategy ahead of peers. 

        Note: Our TCFD analysis was carried out in 2023 prior to the acquisition of Parkville in November 2023 hence it is not included above.

        23   Admaius Capital Partners  ESG & Impact Report 2023
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