Page 18 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
P. 18

How we approach
                                   ESG and impact
         Our Commitments           Ou r  S t r a t e gy      Our Portfolio                                                                

        Our core impact thesis

        Anchoring our impact objectives                                                                           Admaius Capital Partners’ thematic sectors
        and efforts to the SDGs helps
        galvanise and socialize our                                                                  Financial                                         Infrastructure /
        commitment to achieving lasting         Key SDGs defining the impact objective for each thematic sector   Services  Healthcare  FMCG  Education  B2B Services
        social and economic impact with         All sectors                SDG 5 Gender equality
        our portfolio. This also allows                                                                 Y            Y            Y            Y            Y
        collective buy in to our common         All sectors                SDG 8 Decent work
        objectives from our investors and                                  & economic growth            Y            Y            Y            Y            Y
        investee companies. This table          Sector dependent           SDG 1 No poverty
        summarizes our SDG link to each                                                                 Y
        of our core thematic sectors.
                                                Sector dependent           SDG 3 Good health
                                                                           and wellbeing                             Y

                                                Sector dependent           SDG 4 Quality education
                                                Sector dependent           SDG 9 Industry, innovation
                                                                           and infrastructure                                                               Y
                                                Sector dependent           SDG 12 Responsible
                                                                           consumption & production                               Y

                                                 In line with our core theory of   SDG 5 gender equality    SDG 8 decent work and     These two goals define our
                                                 change, we invest to achieve   (A gender lens investing   economic growth            impact thesis, objectives and
                                                 impact through 2 SDGs in    approach):                   (Our private sector         KPIs across the sectors in which
                                                 particular:                 We seek to empower women     development focus):         we invest. We may look to
                                                                             with new technologies and equal   We look to encourage private   supplement these with metrics
                                                                             opportunities for economic   sector growth and development   linked to the additional SDG
                                                                             participation and leadership  through entrepreneurship and   which varies by sector (as shown
                                                                                                          digital innovation          above).

        17   Admaius Capital Partners  ESG & Impact Report 2023
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