Page 25 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
P. 25

How we approach
                                   ESG and impact
         Our Commitments           Ou r  S t r a t e gy      Our Portfolio                                                                

        Impact methodology

        The current and potential impact       Illustrative portfolio level impact scoring (based on 3 illustrative investments)
        of each investment is now
        assessed pre-investment and
        monitored as part of ongoing            Impact vector                     Company 1             Company 2            Company 3            Portfolio score
        stewardship efforts annually as
        described in our ESMS. 
                                                Admaius enabling factors /              88%                   50%                  38%                   58%
        At the portfolio level, an assessment will now
        be carried out annually, aggregating the
        output from each individual company impact
        assessment as shown below. This allows
        ongoing monitoring of the aggregate fund   Negative impact and risk             50%                   50%                  50%                   50%
        impact performance relative to our firmwide   management
        impact objectives. Through this exercise we
        are able to identify themes and gaps, to help
        prioritize stewardship efforts over the coming
        year.                                   SDG 5 Gender equality                   58%                   100%                 63%                   73%

        Operating Principles of Impact
        We are in the process of drafting our first
        disclosure against the Operating Principles of   SDG 8 Decent work and          83%                   100%                 38%                   73%
        Impact Management (OPIM).               economic growth
        These principles provide a framework for
        asset managers as they look to design an
        effective impact management strategy,
        ensuring impact considerations are      Additional thematic                     45%                   100%                 25%                   57%
        integrated throughout their investment   sector SDG
        lifecycle. The purpose has been to compare
        our practices against these best practice
        principles, with a view to submitting our
        draft disclosure to OPIM by the end of 2024.   Overall score                    65%                   80%                  50%                   62%
        We may also seek external verification of our
        disclosure in due course. 

        Note: The first impact vector ‘Admaius enabling factors / additionality’ generally stays fixed over time unless there are material changes to our ownership of the business.

        24   Admaius Capital Partners  ESG & Impact Report 2023
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