Page 16 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
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How we approach
         Our Commitments           Ou r  S t r a t e gy      Our Portfolio                                                                
                                   ESG and impact

        How we approach ESG and impact integration

        We integrate ESG and impact            Each potential investment is screened   Subject to satisfactory performance in this
        throughout our investment cycle.       against our exclusion list to confirm it does   assessment which includes alignment to our   Our core exclusions
                                               not operate within a banned sector or carry
                                                                                      impact objectives, the investment will then
                                               out a restricted business activity.    be signed off for investment from an ESG /   •  Fossil fuels
                                               Our exclusions are reviewed periodically and   impact perspective.
                                               determined on the basis of reputational risks,   Where gaps are identified during pre-  •  Weapons
                                               negative externalities, or moral / values-based   investment diligence, these are addressed in   •  Gambling
                                               judgements (often a combination). These   post investment action plans.         •  Adult entertainment
                                               activities are also aligned with commonly   Post investment and relative to the extent   •  Tobacco
                                               excluded activities by our ESG aligned LP and   we have influence or control, each company
                                               DFI investors.                         undergoes an ESG and impact journey      •  Alcohol (excluding beer and wine)
                                               We then carry out a detailed pre-investment   until we exit the company. This journey is   •  Any company with links to
                                               ESG and impact assessment for each     summarized below.                          controversial business activities (e.g.
                                               company. Further third party or specialist                                        child or forced labour, UNGC violations)
                                               ESG and/or impact due diligence may be

                                                    PRE-INVESTMENT               POST-INVESTMENT            ONGOING MONITORING           PRE / POST EXIT

                                                   Screening / exclusions       Pre-investment ESG          Annual ESG and impact        Exit ESG and impact
                                                                                and impact action plans     reporting                    summary prepared for
                                                   ESG and impact pre-          or gaps must be                                          buyer
                                                   investment assessment        addressed                   Value creation initiatives
                                                                                                            linked to ESG / impact       Third party ESG / impact
                                                   Further third party ESG /    ESG responsibilities        defined and                  due diligence and / or
                                                   impact due diligence         allocated / onboarding      implemented                  site visits if required
                                                   and /or site visits if       of relevant individual(s)
                                                   required                                                 Ongoing engagement
          Each company undergoes                                                ESG and impact metrics      and monitoring
          an ESG and impact journey                                             baseline data collection

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