Page 15 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
P. 15

How we approach
         Our Commitments           Ou r  S t r a t e gy      Our Portfolio                                                                
                                   ESG and impact

        UN Principles of Responsible Investment

        As the world’s leading initiative on   At Admaius, investing responsibly and   our PRI transparency report available on the   continue to look for ways to further establish
        responsible investing, the UN PRI      delivering wider socioeconomic value is a key   UN PRI data portal here.       and integrate respect for core human
                                               part of how we interpret our responsibilities
                                                                                                                              rights within processes, expectations and
        plays a vital role in assessing        and fiduciary duties. We therefore     Future efforts to                       relationships with our portfolio companies,
        managers on their progress             systematically apply the six UN PRI principles   improve our rating            as well as our own employees, partners, and
                                               across our investment decision making and
        towards responsible investing          portfolio management processes.
        best practice.                                                                We will focus our efforts on two core PRI
                                                                                      priorities in the areas of climate change and
                                               Admaius PRI rating 2023                human rights. Around climate change we are   Read our full
                                                                                      looking to build an emissions baseline that   transparency report
                                               2023 was our first year of formal reporting   includes our portfolio, as well as expanding
                                               and we were delighted to announce we   the depth and coverage of our TCFD analysis.
                                                                                                                                                         of  5
                                               performed significantly above the PRI   On human rights, in addition to existing   4           5          out
                                               median, achieving 4 out of 5 available stars   commitments outlined in our policy and                 5
                                               for Policy, Governance and Strategy, and 5   ESMS, we have added a dimension related                  Private Equity
                                               out of 5 stars for Private Equity. These scores   to the strength of a company’s strategy and   Policy, Governance
                                               re-affirm our commitment to responsible   awareness of human rights within their value   and Strategy
                                               investing, and ESG integration as part of our   chain to our impact assessment. We will
                                               investment strategy. We invite you to read

                                                                                         (0 <= 25%)  (>25 <= 40%)    (>0 <= 65%)        (>65 <= 90%)      (>90%)
                                               Module score
                                               Star score         AuM Coverage
                                                                                                                        PRI Median
                                               Policy Governance & Strategy

                                                                                                                                         PRI Median
                                               Direct - Private Equity

        14   Admaius Capital Partners  ESG & Impact Report 2023
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20