Page 17 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
P. 17

How we approach
                                   ESG and impact
         Our Commitments           Ou r  S t r a t e gy      Our Portfolio                                                                

        How we approach ESG and impact integration

        A pre-investment ESG and impact
        due diligence summary is                Firstly, all portfolio companies                      Local & national regulations
                                                must confirm they meet
        prepared for our investment             applicable local and national
                                                ESG laws and regulations
        committee for each investment.
        Satisfactory performance on ESG         We then move beyond local
        and alignment of the company to         compliance to understand
                                                how the company compares
        our firm’s impact objectives is a       to best practice by leveraging                    International standards / best practice
        pre-requisite for IC approval.          international standards such
                                                as IFC Performance Standards,
                                                WBG EHS and ILO Core Labour
                                                We use SASB to understand what                                                                           An assessment
                                                                                                                                                          of corporate
                                                ESG issues are most material                                                                             governance and
                                                to each company by sector and                                                                            the company’s
                                                region. We also reference the                                                                            willingness to
                                                TCFD to understand whether                                 ESG intergration                              engage on ESG
                                                climate change is material risk or                                                                        and impact
                                                opportunity for the company                                                                              takes place in
                                                                                                                                                        conjunction with
                                                                                                                                                          this process

                                                We use SASB to understand what
                                                ESG issues are most material
                                                to each company by sector and
                                                region. We also reference the
                                                TCFD to understand whether                                 Impact objectives
                                                climate change is material risk or
                                                opportunity for the company

                                                Lastly, we carry out an impact
                                                assessment to assess potential                            Admaius approach
                                                alignment with our business wide
                                                impact objectives including core
                                                and thematic SDG aligned targets

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