Page 26 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
P. 26

How we approach
         Our Commitments           ESG and impact            Our Portfolio                                                                
        Firmwide initiatives – analyst program
        Developing the next generation         In 2023, we held our first ever analyst   roles in Private Equity focusing on skill   understanding as well as to build on their
        of African investment                  training program with four high calibre   developments and practical application.   communication skills. They were also
                                                                                                                             occasionally staffed on live transactions
                                               graduates selected through a competitive
        professionals via our new              process to participate in a year-long   Specific training covered financial   which exposed them to practically apply
                                                                                      statement analysis, capital modelling and
        analyst training program.              training program.                      valuation, an introduction to accounting   the skills they were acquiring. We see the
                                               The training held as a hybrid in person /   and ESG due diligence. In order to enhance   program as a testament to the Firm’s
                                               virtual format from our Kigali office was   analysts’ understanding of their field and   own impact commitments, to nurture
                                               intended to provide these graduates    African markets, they were asked to carry   talent and building a strong pipeline of
                                               with hands-on experience in investment   out monthly research projects presented   investment professionals to drive growth
                                               analysis preparing them for future     to the wider team as an opportunity    and impact opportunities through
                                                                                      to demonstrate their deepening         investment in Africa.

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