Page 30 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
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How we approach
         Our Commitments           Ou r  S t r a t e gy      Our Portfolio                                                                
                                   ESG and impact

        Portfolio ESG summary as at 31/12/23

                             Key ESG metrics                  Company 1                         Company 2                        Company 3
        Environment          Climate / TCFD assessment        No                                No                               No
                             Carbon emissions (scope 1/2/3 C02e)  Not yet measuring             Not yet measuring                Not yet measuring
                             Energy consumption (kWh)         Not yet collecting this data      Not yet collecting this data     Not yet collecting this data

                             Of which renewables (%)          Not yet collecting this data      Not yet collecting this data     Not yet collecting this data
                             Environmental incidents or fines  0                                0                                0

        Social               Total employees (FTEs)           697                               539                              438
                             Males                            419                               421                              260
                             Females                          278                               118                              168
                             Employee grievance mechanism     Yes                               No                               Yes

                             Diversity policy                 Yes (People Policy)               No                               Yes
                             Health and safety policy         Yes                               Yes at SNBG level                Yes
                             Employee survey over 2023        Yes                               No                               Yes

                             Employee survey response rate    67%                               N/A                              23%
                             Code of conduct                  Yes                               Yes at SNBG level                Yes
                             Injuries                         0                                 No data                          0
                             Fatalities                       0                                 No data                          0

         Governance          Number of board meetings held    9                                 4                                8
                             Number of board members          10                                5                                9
                             Number of non-male board members  3                                1                                1

                             Number of independent board members  2                             1                                0
                             Anti-bribery and corruption policy  Yes                            No                               Yes

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