Page 27 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
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How we approach
                                   ESG and impact
         Our Commitments           Ou r  S t r a t e gy      Our Portfolio                                                                

          Investment analyst program perspectives

                       Admaius’ analyst program was a transformative journey,
                       preparing us for a career journey in investments.
                       Joining directly from my undergraduate studies in                     Joining Admaius through their Analyst Program has been a
                       International Business and Trade, the program presented               phenomenal experience and a pivotal foundation in my career as
                       me with in-depth and practical knowledge in financial                 an investment professional.
                       modeling, market analysis, and professional interpersonal             I joined after completing my undergraduate degree in
                       skills. Guided by a team of highly experienced colleagues,            International Business and Trade and throughout the program, I
                       the culture at Admaius fostered an inclusive environment,
                       where every voice is valued and supported.                            have gained tremendous experience and skills from the highly
                                                                                             experienced team at Admaius across core functions in Private
                       What sets Admaius apart is their holistic approach,                   Equity, from deal sourcing and execution, to portfolio
                       integrating analysts seamlessly into all aspects of the firm,         management of the firm’s portfolio companies.
                       from deal sourcing, management presentations, to
                       technical analysis, nurturing a comprehensive learning                Through consistent interactions, training and mentorship, I have
                       experience.                                                           benefited from the invaluable learning and supportive culture at
                                                                                             Admaius, and thus been able to improve and develop my core
                       Through the program we also had weekly one-on-one                     technical skills such as financial modelling and valuation, industry
                       mentorship, where we discussed day-to-day challenges and              knowledge and market research, presentation skills at all levels of
                       received constructive feedback nurturing our career growth.
                       In a nutshell, the program has been the foundation for my             management, as well as the soft-skills that are much needed in
                       career advancement in the dynamic realm of private equity.            the industry such as professional networking and relationship
                                                                                             building, all of which has set a solid foundation for my career in
                       Marie Grace Ishimwe,                                                  Private Equity.
                       Admaius analyst
                                                                                             Corneille Manzi Arnaud Kayihura,
                                                                                             Admaius analyst

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