Page 13 - Admaius 2022 ESGI report
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Admaius Capital Partners’   How we approach
         commitments               ESG and impact            Our portfolio

        Our investment committee

        The investment committee is
        composed of experts who have
        practical, sector and region-
        specific understanding of ESG
        successes and barriers to ESG
        implementation. These
        individuals sit at the heart of the    Marlon Chigwende                       Amine Allam                             Davinder Sikand
        ESG and impact integration             Experience: The Carlyle Group,         Experience: Ethos Africa Fund,          Experience: Catalyst Principal
        process at Admaius. Their              Standard Chartered Private Equity      Qinvest, Société Générale Asset         Partners, Abraaj Group, Aureos,
        responsibilities including             Africa, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan        Management, Abraaj Group                Drexel Burnham Lambert,
                                                                                                                              Financial Security Assurance and
                                               Chase & Co
        questioning each transaction           Education: BSc Maths and               Education: Fulbright scholar at         PwC
                                                                                      the Simon School of Business,
        throughout the investment              Actuarial studies, Southampton         University of Rochester                 Education: Kellogg School of
        process to ensure the ESG and          university                                                                     Business, ACCA
        impact logic and goals are
        robust, relevant and attainable
        while also aspirational.

                                               Alastair Morrison                      Dominique Collett                       John Van Wyk
                                               Experience: Mekong Capital, The        Experience: Rand Merchant               Experience: Comcorp Holding,
                                               Carlyle Group, Standard Chartered,     Holdings, AlphaCode, Standard           Growthpoint Properties, Nedbank,
                                               3i Group                               Bank, McKinsey                          Actis, Ethos Private Equity
                                               Education: BSc Philosophy,             Education: MSc Finance, London          Education: BCom, Bacc and CA
                                               Politics and Economics, Mphil          Business School and BSc Finance,        University of Witwatersrand
                                               management studies, Oxford             Rhodes University

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