Page 14 - Admaius 2022 ESGI report
P. 14

Admaius Capital Partners’   How we approach
         commitments               ESG and impact            Our portfolio

          Investment committee 2022 perspectives

                                                                                            “As an impact firm, our investment committee naturally
                                                                                            sits at the heart of our ESG and impact integration
                                                                                            process. A core part of this role is ensuring all potential
                                                                                            investments meet our ESG criteria and are aligned to
                           “All companies in which we invest must be aligned to             our firmwide impact objectives. This includes a
                           our ESG and impact criteria, as assessed via our pre-            commitment from our portfolio companies to
                           investment ESG and impact assessment and                         undertake an ESG and impact journey post investment.
                           investment committee deliberation process. Through               Within Fintech my sector of focus, I have been
                           our second investment, a North African leader in the             delighted to see that our first flagship investment in
                           consumer snacks industry Power Brands, we see                    MFS Africa is already delivering transformative impact
                           significant potential for additionality across various           across the continent, through enabling greater
                           ESG and impact initiatives. Through a fully aligned              financial and digital inclusion across 40+ African
                           founder and CEO, we are jointly committed to a road              countries of operation. Driven by socioeconomic and
                           map of ambitious targets in terms of water                       demographic tailwinds, and an ambitious and highly
                           preservation, emissions reduction, and packaging,                competent leadership team, MFS is exactly the type of
                           recycling and nutrition initiatives. We are incredibly           company we look to partner with, and we look forward
                           excited to partner with such a high calibre                      to supporting the company with its next stage of
                           management team to support their ambitions in these              evolution”
                           areas, while advancing on our joint ESG and impact
                                                                                            Dominique Collett,
                                                                                            Independent IC member
                           Amine Allam,
                           Managing Director and IC member

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