Page 9 - Admaius 2022 ESGI report
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Admaius Capital Partners’   How we approach
         commitments               ESG and impact            Our portfolio

        Why invest in Africa?

        Africa is the 2nd largest continent
        by both land and population, and         Africa’s size and scale                           Key drivers                 Cross border trade
                                                                                                                               and money flows
        also now the world’s largest free        •  People consistently underestimate
        trade zone. The continent is              the size and scale of Africa... see                                          •  The African Continental Free Trade
        therefore primed to experience            McKinsey chart on the right.                                                   Area (AfCFTA) which came into
                                                  The region is larger than Europe,
                                                                                                                                 effect 1 Jan 2021 has made Africa the
        rapid and significant economic            India and China combined.                                                      largest free trade area in the world
        development, with a young and            •  Africa has the highest fertility and                                         with 53 participating countries.
        increasingly tech enabled and             projected population growth of any                                           •  The Pan-African Payment and
                                                  region in the world. Its population
        urbanized workforce who are               is expected to grow from 1.4 billion                                           Settlement System (PAPSS) AfCFTA
                                                                                                                                 will also ease payments constraints
        providing strong economic                 in 2021 to 2.5 billion in 2050. This                                           across Africa’s complex network of
        fundamentals for the region.              accounts for more than 60% of                                                  40+ currencies. Regional initiatives
                                                  projected, global population growth
                                                                                                                                 such as the SADC are already helping
        Despite covid setbacks the                over this period (2021-2050).                                                  to improve transaction settlements
        continent offers a development           •  The continent is also increasingly                                           within regions that would otherwise
        pathway for human and natural             urbanized with 90+ African                                                     require complex and expensive
                                                                                                                                 correspondent banking arrangements
                                                  cities expected to have over 1
        resources to yield inclusive              million inhabitants by 2030.                                                   and counterparties outside of Africa.
        growth, while reducing poverty           •  Globally it is the region with                                             •  The explosive growth in Fintech
        levels across its 54 countries.           youngest median age (20 years)                                                 in Africa is having a multiplier
                                                                                                                                 effect across all sectors of the
                                                  with an estimated half of the
                                                  population under 25 in 2030.                                                   economy, as underserved
                                                 •  The continent holds 60% of the                                               individuals and SMEs have access
                                                  world’s uncultivated arable land.                                              to connectivity and financial
                                                  This will be increasingly relevant as                                          services often for the first time.
                                                  global food demand is expected
                                                  to increase by 70% by 2050.

        Data and stats taken from the World Bank and Population Reference Bureau, chart from McKinsey 2018 research paper “Africa’s overlooked business revolution”
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