Page 18 - Admaius 2022 ESGI report
P. 18

Admaius Capital Partners’   H o w w e a p p r o a c h
                                   How we approach
                                   ESG and impact
         commitments               E S G a n d i m p a c t   Our portfolio

        Aligning our approach to best practice

        The below chart describes key frameworks and best practice standards we rely on for various elements
        within our investment process.  Please note some of the work we are doing is still at an early stage, given
        we are in our first year of operation.

          Investment                     Pre-investment                Ongoing                        External                      External
          strategy and                   DD and                        monitoring and                 reporting and                 evaluation
          objectives                     screening                     data collection                disclosures                   and audit

          UN SDGs                        SASB                          IRIS+                          Operating Principles for Impact   External audit e.g. by
                                                                                                      Management                    Blue mark / tideline
          UN PRI                         TCFD                          SDG indicators
                                         IFC / EHS guidelines          ESG metrics

          Work ongoing with respect to the above frameworks includes:
          •  UN SDGs / IRIS+: we are working with the portfolio to   •  OPIM: we are carrying out a gap analysis against   •  TCFD: while climate is already considered within our
           select impact metrics to can be tracked over time. This will   the 9 OPIM principles. We may in future consider   ESG and impact pre-investment due diligence, we
           enable us to determine us and our portfolio companies’   formally signing up to these best practice    plan to review the recommendations of the TCFD to
           contribution to our SDG linked impact objectives.  principles, including seeking external audit        understand how we can better support our businesses
                                                              and validation (e.g. by BlueMark/Tideline)          in responding and adapting their businesses to take
                                                                                                                  into account climate risks and opportunities.

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