Page 8 - Admaius 2022 ESGI report
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Admaius Capital Partners’   How we approach
         commitments               ESG and impact            Our portfolio

        Our commitments continued

        Climate change                                                                Human rights

        We believe climate change poses a systemic   We will assess this using the TCFD   We invest with respect for all internationally   In line with our business purpose and
        and existential risk to our planet and all   recommendations and framework which we   recognized human rights including the   core impact objectives we also seek to
        constituents. We are therefore committed   regard as best practice in this area. A key first   international bill of human rights, the UN   advance fundamental human rights linked
        to minimizing our contribution to climate   step will be measuring our carbon footprint   Guiding Principle for Business and ILO core   to SDG 5 (reducing gender inequalities
        change, whilst ensuring us and our portfolio   and reporting this to our key stakeholders   labour standards. We will not invest in any   within workforces,) and SDG 8 (supporting
        companies are resilient and adequately   in order to set a baseline for  emissions   company where we see heightened risks   equality of opportunity). Within our ESMS
        prepared for a transitioning net zero world.   measurement. For our portfolio companies   relating to child labour, forced labour, modern   and code of conduct we outline in detail
        We are in the process of setting our firmwide   we will encourage all companies to set their   slavery, and/or human trafficking, either at   how we integrate human rights within our
        climate strategy, beginning with developing   own climate strategy, beginning also with   the company or within its supply chain. All   investment processes, expectations and
        an understanding of our current and future   emissions measurement. Please note our   investee companies are expected to meet   relationships with employees, partners, and
        impact on the climate, as well as the impact   chosen thematic sectors and investment   certain health and safety standards, provide   suppliers.
        of climate change on us and our portfolio   strategy automatically preclude fossil fuels   living wages, ensure non-discrimination,
        companies.                             and highly carbon intensive businesses from   and support freedom of association
                                               investment.                            (amongst other core human rights linked

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