Page 22 - Admaius 2022 ESGI report
P. 22

Admaius Capital Partners’   H o w w e a p p r o a c h
                                   How we approach
                                     G a
         commitments               ESG and impact t          Our portfolio
                                        d i
          Theory of change behind our impact objectives

                           “We marvel at the speed and scale with which digital
                           and financial inclusion has grown across the African
                           continent, as well as our contribution to this shift. In
                           just over a decade of operating we now reach over 40
                           countries, connecting 400+ million wallets and
                           facilitating over $6 billion worth of transactions in 2022
                           alone. This transformative scale and impact has been             “We are delighted to enter a new period of partnership
                           achieved by a fantastic, diverse and highly skilled team         with Admaius , in which we are beginning to think
                           at MFS, of whom an increasing number are women and               seriously about how we measure and monitor the
                           young locally hired employees. We continue to build on           environmental and social impact of our operations and
                           our ESG and impact program including refining and                product lines. We are proud to be a leading provider of
                           extending our suite of metrics that we report to                 nutritious and tasty snacks within our core markets,
                           stakeholders over time.”                                         employing local suppliers and creating high quality
                                                                                            local regional North African jobs. As we continue to
                                                                                            expand, we are committed to supporting a transition to
                                                                                            a low carbon, circular economy, and will begin with
                           Dare Okoudjou,                                                   measuring our core ESG data in order to create a
                           CEO MFS Africa
                                                                                            baseline for key initiatives linked to packaging,
                                                                                            recycling and nutrition”

                                                                                            Karim Gahbiche,
                                                                                            CEO Power Brands

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