Page 20 - Admaius 2022 ESGI report
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How we approach
         Admaius Capital Partners’   H o w w e a p p r o a c h
                                        d i
                                     G a
         commitments               ESG and impact t          Our portfolio
        Theory of change behind our impact objectives
        SDG 5 gender equality                  According to the Economic Commission   SDG 8 decent work and                   in order to benefit from huge economic
        (a gender lens investing approach):    for Africa, women now account for around   economic growth (a private          and commercial opportunities from this
                                               60%+ of informal cross-border trade in Africa.   sector development focus).    untapped skilled workforce. In particular
                                               Greater economic participation for women,                                      the fintech revolution in Africa has unlocked
        Our impact objective is to empower     including upskilling women’s digital and                                       progress horizontally across multiple sectors
        women with new technologies and equal   technical skills has hugely positive effects   Our impact objective is to encourage private   of the economy with reliable financing
        opportunities for economic participation and   including lifting families out of poverty, and   sector growth and development through   and mobile banking infrastructure being
        leadership                             reducing birth rates. Gender equality and   entrepreneurship and digital innovation  a core requisite for all businesses. This
        Theory of change: While there continues to   pay parity at management and leadership   Theory of change: Across Africa we   “multiplier” effect means there are growing
        be social and cultural norms that prevent   positions also mean important decisions   anticipate an increasingly skilled, young and   opportunities for trade and entrepreneurship
        women’s full participation in the workforce,   around product and service design are   urbanized workforce who will be keen to find   across the region for individuals and SMEs
        many African countries have made good   defined by women for women, thus reducing   opportunities to contribute within their local   who are smartly positioned to act.
        progress in closing the gender gap in   discrimination through better meeting   economies. Smart leaders and companies
        education and politics.                women’s real needs.                    should be positioned to capitalize on this,


        According to the Economic
        Commission for Africa, women now
        account for around 60%+ of informal
        cross-border trade in Africa.

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