Page 3 - Admaius 2022 ESGI report
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Admaius Capital Partners’   How we approach
         commitments               ESG and impact            Our portfolio

        ESG & Impact Report 2022


                                                Admaius Capital Partners’                             03    Admaius Capital Partners is thrilled
                                                commitments                                                 to share with you its inaugural

                                                Foreword from our Managing Partner                    04    integrated ESG and impact report.
                                                Our business purpose and commitments                  05    At the time of issuing this report,
                                                The Africa opportunity                                08    Admaius will have just begun its
                                                Our competitive advantage and team                    10    first PRI reporting cycle, having

                                                How we approach ESG and impact                        14    been a signatory since inception.
                                                                                                            We are truly excited by the
                                                How we approach ESG integration and impact            15
                                                Our impact thesis                                     18    opportunity we have to deploy
                                                                                                            capital responsibly in our core
                                                                                                            markets, partnering with leading

                                                                                                            founders and entrepreneurs to build
                                                                                                            the great businesses of tomorrow.
                                                Our portfolio                                         20

                                                Portfolio highlights and summary                      21    Marlon Chigwende
                                                                                                            on behalf of Admaius Capital Partners

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