Page 8 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
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Our Commitments           Our Strategy              Our Portfolio                                                                

        The impact opportunity – our thematic sectors

        We invest in five core                 Our target sectors improve access to   reduce dependence on imports, all while
        thematic sectors.                      digital services and essential social   championing women’s greater economic
                                               infrastructure, develop a more dynamic
                                                                                      participation through our gender lens
                                               private sector, create jobs and wealth, and   investment approach.

          50%                            $128                          2.5 billion                    10%                            40%

          financial services penetration rate in   per person is the average health    African consumers by 2050   is the higher education enrolment   is the internet penetration rate in
          Africa vs. a global average of 76%  care spend in Africa vs. $4,000 pp,    representing 60% of global   rate in Africa vs. a global average of   Africa currently vs. 89% in OECD
                                         the OECD average              population growth from 2021-2050  40%                         countries

           Financial Services             Healthcare                    Fast Moving Consumer           Education                      Digital Infrastructure /
           & Fintech                                                    Goods (FMCG)                                                  B2B services

            While Africa leads in mobile   Rising life expectancies and   A stronger, more diverse      New, stronger education        Africa’s rising populations,
            payments, there is scope       health tourism underscore      FMCG sector will meet         institutions, vocational       especially youth, coupled
            for further fintech            the need for state-of-the-     growing incomes and           training, and new              with increasing
            innovation to widen access     art facilities, a robust       demands for homegrown         technologies will meet         technological literacy and
            and increase product           pharma sector, and local       choice. As well as            growth in household            internet usage, position the
            sophistication.                medicine production.           supporting the                incomes and investment in      technology, media, and
                                                                          development of a more         education to support the       telecom sector as pivotal
                                                                          dynamic private sector,       next generation of skilled     for driving socioeconomic
                                                                          local hero businesses have    workers.                       progress across the
                                                                          the potential to become                                      continent.
                                                                          regional champions.

        7   Admaius Capital Partners  ESG & Impact Report 2023
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