Page 7 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
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Our Commitments           Our Strategy              Our Portfolio                                                                

        Our commitments

        We are impact-aligned investors with
        defined quantifiable objectives and
        metrics aligned to the UN SDGs.

        In line with the GIIN definition of impact investing
        we invest with the explicit intention to create positive
        social and/or environmental outcomes from our                            1.                               2.                               3.
        investments, while seeking competitive financial
        returns.                                                      We will incorporate ESG         We will be active owners         We will seek appropriate
                                                                      issues into investment            and incorporate ESG            disclosure on ESG issues
                                                                       analysis and decision-         issues into our ownership         by the entities in which
        We are signatories to the UN PRI and will report                making processes.               policies and practices.                we invest.
        annually against their principles.  As such, we
        are committed to investing in line with their
        six principles shown on the left. This includes a
        commitment to ESG integration and active
        ownership/stewardship practices across
        our strategy.

        We have commitments to our ESG-aligned
        LP investors and DFIs regarding the extent of
        our ESG and impact alignment, data collection
        and reporting and excluded sectors / business

                                                                                 4.                               5.                               6.
                                                                         We will promote              We will work together to          We will each report on
                                                                          acceptance and             enhance our effectiveness        our activities and progress
                                                                      implementation of the             in implementing the             towards implementing
                                                                       principles within the                  Principles.                   the Principles.
                                                                       investment industry.

        6   Admaius Capital Partners  ESG & Impact Report 2023
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