Page 5 - Admaius 2023 ESGI report
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Our Commitments           Our Strategy              Our Portfolio                                                                

        Foreword from our Managing Partner

                                               We are delighted to share with you our   instigate and advance climate strategy at   through the multiplier effect of a
                                               second annual ESGI report.             the portfolio level. Following our inaugural   burgeoning ecosystem of local suppliers
                                                                                      firmwide TCFD disclosure last year, we will   and business partners. While the business
                                               Across Africa and the world, we continue   refine this analysis and begin measuring   already provides high quality, affordable
                                               to witness growing income and wealth   our own baseline carbon footprint.      products to an 80% female customer base,
                                               inequalities,  gender inequity, and the                                        we see further opportunities for innovation
                                               firsthand impacts of a worsening climate.   We are also strengthening our      in developing the company’s brand
                                                                                      commitment to SDG 5 gender equity,      portfolio to better serve women’s needs.
                                               While some countries have shown        through promoting equal opportunities   Our post investment stewardship will focus
                                               resilience and growth, 2023 has been a   for women in participation and leadership.   on this, as well as broader initiatives linked
                                               year of growing geopolitical instability,   Leading by example, we have made four   to sustainable packaging and climate
                                               high inflation, and an ongoing cost of   senior female appointments in the past   impact.  
                                               living crisis. As responsible investors, we   12 months, bringing our gender diversity
                                               remain steadfast in our commitment to   at the senior level to 40%* and 45% at the   Since the end of this reporting cycle,
                                               deliver industry-leading returns to our   overall GP level. We are exploring the 2X   we have also announced two new
                                               Limited Partners while playing our part   initiative as a means to structuring our   investments in Tres Infrastructure a leading
                                               in addressing these global challenges by   approach to gender lens investing.   Rwandan Towers and Telecommunications
                                               driving positive socioeconomic change.                                         player, and St Christopher’s, a leading
                                                                                      We remain excited about the opportunity   medical education institution based in
                                               Internally and within our sphere of    to deploy capital responsibly and partner   Dakar, Senegal. Both investments are
                                               influence, we strive to deliver on SDG-  with leading founders and management   fully aligned to our Firm’s impact thesis,
                                               aligned impact objectives. Anchoring   teams in our core African markets.      meeting critical gaps in connectivity, and
                                               our goals to the SDGs we believe helps                                         fostering access to higher education and
                                               galvanize and socialize our commitment   In November we announced a new        healthcare respectively.
        We remain excited about                to achieving positive impact while also   investment in Parkville, one of the   We look forward to sharing more with you
                                                                                      fastest growing medicated cosmetics
                                               facilitating buy-in from our investors
        the opportunity to deploy              and investee companies. To support this   companies in Egypt, who manufacture   on our journey and responsible investment
        capital responsibly                    process, we are drafting our first firmwide   over 125 healthcare and wellness products.   practices over the coming year.
                                                                                      Our investment in the company aligns
                                               OPIM disclosure which will document
        and partner with                       how impact considerations are integrated   closely with our Fund’s impact thesis:   Marlon Chigwende
        leading founders and                   throughout each stage of our investment   to support sustainable and innovative   on behalf of Admaius Capital Partners
                                                                                      businesses, that promote self-sufficiency
        management teams in                    Around climate we already exclude      and job creation in their local economies.
        our core African markets.              companies highly exposed to climate risks   Already employing over 400 people, the
                                                                                      company’s new in-house manufacturing
                                               from our opportunity set, and will continue   facility will further stimulate job creation
                                               to undertake stewardship efforts to

                                               *Includes Managing Directors, Officers and IC members

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