Page 2 - Admaius 2022 ESGI report
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Admaius Capital Partners’   How we approach
         commitments               ESG and impact            Our portfolio

        Important notice - disclaimer

        This report (this “Report”) has been prepared   Please note throughout this report we rely
        by Admaius Capital Partners (“Admaius”)   on company self reported data. We have
        solely for information purposes only and   reviewed this data for quality and queried
        is not intended to be relied on for any   discrepancies where readily identifiable
        investment decision and does not constitute   but this data has not been third party
        an offer or solicitation to subscribe for any   audited.
        interests in any fund managed by Admaius
        or any of its affiliates and should not be
        considered to be an invitation or inducement
        to engage in investment activity.
        This Report is not, and should not be
        assumed to be, complete or up-to-date and
        is based on matters as they existed as of
        the date of its preparation, and its contents
        remain subject to change without any
        obligation on the part of Admaius to notify
        any recipient of any such change. Recipients
        of this Report agree that none of Admaius, its
        affiliates or any of their respective advisers,
        agents, consultants, directors, employees,
        members, officers, partners, representatives
        or owners, have any liability for any
        misstatement, omission, or any opinion
        expressed herein or otherwise.
        This Report is not to be used or relied upon
        by the recipient for any purpose other than
        for the purpose of providing information.
        Admaius, which is authorised and regulated
        by the FSC (the Mauritius regulator), is not
        acting for any person in relation to this
        Report and will not be responsible to any
        person for providing the protections afforded
        to its clients nor for providing any advice in
        connection with this Report or the matters
        referred to herein.
        By accepting a copy of this Report, each
        recipient agrees to be bound by the terms,
        limitations and conditions set out above.

        1      Admaius Capital Partners  ESG & Impact Report 2022
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