Using local knowledge and international expertise to mobilise global capital
Admaius will invest in high impact sectors that are the drivers of economic and social progress, including digital infrastructure, financial services, FMCG, healthcare and education.
Admaius will seize opportunities to create positive change by leveraging one of the most experienced pan-African investment teams and has successfully attracted new international capital that has not previously invested in African private equity.

Our approach
Guiding businesses through digital transformation and creating long-term value
Digital transformation is at the heart of the strategy
Businesses with the potential for a digital edge have an opportunity to capitalise on a post-Covid world andnew ways of working and doing business, such as exponential growth in demand for data and digital services.
The Admaius team, with the capability to deploy in-country and in-company, will use strong inhouseand network expertise to deliver digital transformation agendas and drive long-term value creation plans, bethat supporting the development of new products and services, international expansion, or new acquisitions.
VAFI’s target sectors will improve access todigital services and essential socialinfrastructure, develop a more dynamic privatesector, create jobs and wealth, and reducedependence on imports, amongst otherbenefits.
They are set to benefit disproportionately in apost-Covid world and enjoy strong demographictailwinds and secular growth trends.
Digital infrastructure
With exponential growth in smart phone use and rapid digitisation owing to the impact of Covid-19, new digital infrastructure will help Africa to keep up with fast-growing demand for data and other digital services and ensure the economic benefits of new technologies are felt by more and more people across the continent.
Financial services
In many respects Africa is already ahead of the global curve when it comes to innovative financial services solutions, especially mobile payments, but significant opportunities exist in supporting Africa combat low banking penetration rates and moves towards more cashless economies.
Increasing life expectancy, changing health profiles and growth in health tourism, with large numbers of Africans leaving the continent to seek treatment elsewhere, demonstrates the need for new, state-of-the-art facilities, a growing pharmaceuticals sector and ability to produce essential medicine on the continent to ensure Africans benefit from better treatment and better health outcomes.
A stronger and more diverse FMCG sector will meet growing incomes and demands for greater homegrown choice. As well as supporting the development of a more dynamic private sector, local hero businesses have the potential to become African regional champions.
New, stronger higher education institutions, vocational training, and the development of new education technologies will meet fast growth in household investment in education and support the development of Africa’s future leaders, innovators, and highly skilled workforce.